Healthy Lungs

Stay smoke-free

The single best thing you can do to prevent lung cancer is to abstain from smoking.
If you do smoke and would like to stop, there is free, local and expert support available. You are three times more likely to quit smoking with help from a Stop Smoking Service.
SmokeFree Hull provides free and confidential stop smoking services across Hull. For help and support to stop smoking contact SmokeFree Hull on 01482 977617 or visit

Get a cough checked

We understand that some symptoms of lung cancer are similar to the symptoms of COVID-19. It is important to keep an eye out for anything that is unusual for you. If you notice any of the following and have tested negative for COVID-19, please contact your GP as soon as possible.

  • Unexplained persistent cough
  • Unexplained persistent breathlessness
  • Fatigue lasting four or more weeks
  • Persistent or recurrent chest infection
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Appetite loss

If you need more information about your lung health check, please contact your local lung health check provider by calling the number of the invitation letter.

For information about lung cancer and coronavirus visit: